Learning Agreement

Post 16 education is voluntary so it is important that you make a full commitment to achieving success on your chosen courses. This Learning Agreement is drawn up to give you the best opportunity for success.

Student Learning Agreement

All students agree to:

  • 95% attendance for the academic year (i.e. 8 days of authorised absence only, including family holidays)
  • 100% attendance to all timetabled lessons, morning registration, tutor periods, enrichment, masses and assemblies.
  • Complete all Independent Study tasks, homework and coursework set by staff and hand them in to meet deadlines issued by staff.
  • Make good use of non-contact time in school by using the Library and Sixth Form quiet work areas to complete work set.
  • Inform and seek advice from your subject teacher, tutor or Head of Sixth Form if you are having difficulty with any aspect of your studies.
  • Accept a shared responsibility with others in the Sixth Form for good conduct in school and for careful upkeep of Sixth Form areas.
  • Adopt a sensible, mature attitude in relationships with staff.
  • Accept a general responsibility for giving leadership and example to younger pupils and fellow students.
  • Follow signing in/out procedures in line with Health and Safety Regulations to safeguard yourself and fellow students and pupils in school.
  • Limit part-time work to 10 hours per week
  • Not take holidays during term-time
  • Abide by all school regulations

School Agreement

The school agrees to:

  • Provide teaching and homework for all subjects throughout the academic year.
  • Provide you with a Tutor who will meet with you to discuss your academic and personal progress in the Sixth Form
  • Provide you with Modular Assessment Data so you can monitor your progress.
  • Provide Parental Reports on academic progress in the Sixth Form
  • Provide advice, Information and guidance on Post – 18 Options: Employment, Further and Higher Education including UCAS and careers information.
  • Provide enrichment opportunities for extra-curricular involvement in sporting and community activities.
    Safeguard all pupils and students.