Year 6

Welcome to our webpage created specifically for current Year 6 children and their parents to find out more information before starting secondary education at St. Wilfrid’s RC College.

Virtual Open Evening 2020

We wish to offer prospective students and their families the warmest of welcomes and hope that this page contains many answers to your questions. Should you wish us to answer anything specifically, or require support completing the admissions form, please contact reception or contact us by email:

We look forward to hearing from you.

Please click here to access our admissions policy

The video below is our Virtual Open Evening (we would have loved to have invited you all into school to meet us – until we’re given guidance that we can safely invite visitors on site, please watch this video to find out a little more about our school).



This area has been split into two further pages:


Please see these sections on the right hand side bar and click on the relevant page. We’ll include letters and important information for parents and carers on their page and transition tasks for students on the Year 6 students page.